About Us

Our Mission

At Bookmarks for Chanel, our mission is deeply personal and close to our hearts. Inspired by our beloved daughter, Chanel, who was diagnosed with Autism at a young age, we are dedicated to supporting her journey and overall well-being.

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Chanel, a vibrant 14-year-old, brings joy to everyone she encounters with her infectious smile and laughter. Though she communicates primarily through simple phrases, her spirit shines bright, and her love for her family is boundless.

As Chanel navigates life on the non-verbal end of the Autism spectrum, we are committed to providing her with the resources and therapies she needs to thrive. Currently enrolled in a specialized ABA school and receiving in-home therapy, we are exploring additional avenues such as speech therapy and occupational therapy to further support her development.

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HBOT Treatment

One promising treatment on the horizon is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, which holds the potential to address Chanel's communication challenges and behavioral struggles. Chanel has gone through one round of treatment in Denver, CO and we've already seen tremendous progress. We hope to be able to continue treatments 2-3 times per year in Denver and in Houston as much as we can.

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Driven by our love for Chanel and our unwavering determination to provide her with the best possible care, we have launched Bookmarks for Chanel as a fundraiser. Through the sale of beautifully crafted bookmarks, we aim to not only raise funds for Chanel's therapy but also spread awareness and support for individuals and families affected by Autism.

Every bookmark sold brings us one step closer to fulfilling Chanel's potential and enhancing her quality of life. Join us in this journey of hope, love, and empowerment as we strive to make a difference in Chanel's life and the lives of countless others touched by Autism.